Beaucatcher Baubles for Solace Women’s Aid

Beaucatcher BaublesBeaucatcher is asking our clients to bring in a Christmas gift suitable for women or children which we are going to give to Solace Womens Aid, a charity which provides shelter for victims of domestic violence.

In exchange, you may choose a bauble from our Christmas tree and discover the message in the bauble. Here are some of the treats you might find inside:

A free haircut * 10% off coupons for services
20% off coupons for products * A free party styling session
£10 off your next colour * £10 off your next hair service
Conditioning treatments * Free hair products
and many more!

Every Bauble Contains a Prize!!!

All gifts should be new in original packaging and unwrapped, although please feel free to attach a message of inspiration. Women often flee to shelters without anything-  all toiletries and other essentials are especially useful along with pampering products.  Imagine not being able to give your child a gift on Christmas.  Childrens giftables, toys and games are so appreciated. Also requested are non-perishable holiday food items: Christmas puddings, biscuits, celebration food items- any and all to make a holiday meal possible.

Last year when the car was loaded up with all the gifts donated by our clients, it looked like Santa’s sleigh and the people at Solace were so happy for the generosity.  We hope to make it even more so this year with your help.  The tree is up in Beaucatcher and waiting to have your pressies put underneath so when you are out doing your shopping for friends and loved ones, please do remember a little gift for Solace too!

Solace Women’s Aid is a London based charity with a primary focus on helping women and children affected by domestic and sexual violence.  They help over 5000 women and children, survivors of violence each year. Solace manage 14 refuges across London providing safe accommodation and ongoing support for women and children fleeing domestic violence in the capital. More often than not, women seeking refuge for themselves and their children don’t have the luxury of time to prepare for going into shelters.  Even during the holidays, packing basics to take along may not be an option, much less so Christmas gifts for kids. Going out Christmas shopping could be a life threatening event for a woman who is trying to avoid violence.  By facilitating this collection we hope to provide some holiday joy to women and children who are in just such a situation.  Over 70% of the refuge population in the UK are children under the age of 14.

If you or anyone you know is suffering from domestic violence or sexual abuse, or if you want to read more about Solace Women’s Aid please check out their website at